Color Theory and Landing Page Buttons - Adpearance

Color Theory and Landing Page Buttons

Shopping is the art of persuasion. Though there are many factors that influence how and what consumers buy; a great deal is decided by visual cues, the most significant being color. Your digital design should incorporate a meaningful choice of color in order to better persuade your potential customers.

Color theory is a science unto itself. By using color psychology in your marketing design, you can send a positive message, establish trust, energize your potential customer, and encourage sales.

Below is a quick overview of the meaning of basic colors in the Western world. Seen in these examples, you can apply color theory to the button or call to action on your landing pages.

Source: Paredro

But what color should I choose?

Even with the knowledge of color psychology, it can still be difficult to select which color would work best for your form button. What if you want to create a sense of urgency but also trust? Do you choose red or blue?

Consider the length of your form and what type of information you are asking for. If the potential lead needs to include personal information beyond their contact information, it might be best to choose a calming color like blue or green. Also take into account what the rest of your page looks like. A powerful, red button won’t stand out on a page that is dominated by that same color. Choose contrasting colors for your buttons to have your call to action stand out on the page.

Ultimately, your best option is to A/B test your landing pages with different button colors. In our own experience, we found that the results of testing offer the most valuable insights. In some cases, a red button will work well for one type of product from a specific company, but a blue button yields higher conversion rates for another product from the same brand. Always be testing to discover what color converts best for your customers!

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Ren Walker

Adpearance is the digital marketing company obsessed with generating quality leads. Our solutions combine cutting-edge technology, premium tracking, and an expert team to transform business results.

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