Designing Mobile Landing Pages in 2022 - Adpearance

Designing Mobile Landing Pages in 2022

More than half of internet browsing is done on mobile devices, making it essential that your business’s website landing pages are optimized for mobile visitors (or said more simply: that it looks good and works as expected on a phone). This is especially key if you are trying to convert visitors into leads. You want to give them reasons to stay on your website and avoid frustrations that might turn them away.

Optimize your website for the specific needs of mobile users with these four tips.

Keep Content Concise

The content “above the fold” is what is primarily viewed by users so you want to ensure that your key content and calls to action (CTAs) fit at the top of the landing page, without scrolling down for more information. Some elements like inline hyperlinks and desktop hero images are great for desktop users but can take up too much space on a mobile screen. Buttons and mobile-specific hero images are better alternatives and will help your most important information fit on a mobile screen.

Adjust Your Layout

A smaller screen and using a finger to select versus a desktop mouse will require changes to your website’s layout. Each landing page should be responsive to the dimensions of a smartphone or tablet without unnecessary pinching or zooming. Mobile navigation menus need to click through to sub-pages when a user browses for readability and easy navigation to the desired product in as few steps as possible. Likewise, buttons on mobile need to be large enough to select with just a finger and give ample space from other elements to avoid accidentally selecting something else.

Adjust your headers and CTAs to be front and center, and optimize your CTAs for mobile. Because users can call directly from their mobile device, a linked business phone number is a great option. Forms are an effective CTA for both desktop and mobile users, but we recommend a mobile version of the form so that it is correctly sized for the screen and fast to complete.

Not Everything that Works for Desktop Works for Mobile

Some elements and features that make your business’s website pop on a desktop can be annoying to deal with on a mobile device. We don’t recommend using videos and pop-up elements on mobile as these elements tend to dominate mobile layouts and can distract a user from selecting your CTA. Pages set to open automatically in a new tab on a desktop browser should be changed to open in the same tab on mobile.

Optimize Your Website for Speed

As internet users, we have all become accustomed to websites loading instantaneously, whether on our desktop at home or from our phones. In particular, mobile users have less patience for load times and will abandon sites more quickly if the load time is too slow.  Mobile sites need to be optimized to provide an efficient user experience. Don’t waste precious bandwidth on unnecessary videos or images for every landing page. Only use images where it’s absolutely necessary, like on inventory pages, and optimize the image files to the smallest size possible without losing quality.

What’s Next?

If you’re interested in a coordinated website and digital advertising strategy that showcases your business and converts more leads, we’d love to talk. Reach out for free website analysis to learn more.

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About the Author

Emily Eby

Adpearance is the digital marketing company obsessed with generating quality leads. Our solutions combine cutting-edge technology, premium tracking, and an expert team to transform business results.

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