The Benefits of Programmatic Audio Advertising - Adpearance

The Benefits of Programmatic Audio Advertising

The average listener in the US streams 16 hours and 14 minutes of digital audio each week. Tap into the popularity of streaming audio with programmatic audio advertising. It combines the experience of traditional radio ads with the targeting and tracking capabilities of digital advertising.

What is Programmatic Audio Advertising?

Programmatic audio advertising utilizes the same ad content you may already be running on radio, but to highly targeted audiences across music streaming platforms like Spotify, Pandora, podcasts, and digital radio platforms. Reach in-market listeners everywhere with an ad placement that runs on desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets, smart speakers, connected TVs, and connected cars. 

Your choice of a 15, 30, or 60-second ad spot can be placed at the time of your choosing within the digital audio content.

Options include:

Pre-roll Ads: Running before the digital audio content begins, pre-roll ad placements have the highest chance of being heard by a listener.

Mid-roll Ads: By featuring your ad at a break in the audio content, you can reach listeners with a demonstrated interest in engaging with the audio content — translating to higher ad completion rates.

Post-roll Ads: If you have a clear call to action (CTA) for listeners, running your ad at the end of the digital audio content gives listeners the opportunity to leave the streaming platform to complete your CTA.

The Benefits of Programmatic Audio Advertising

Similar to how Connected TV is the digital answer to linear TV advertising, programmatic audio advertising is the digital upgrade for traditional, terrestrial radio advertising.

Highly-targeted Advertising: Target only the individuals who are in-market for your products or services. Create and target cohort audiences based on a combination of first-party and third-party intent data. 

Create Agile, Cross-Channel Experiences: Leverage your programmatic audio listeners within your marketing mix by planning a series of ads to run on other platforms before and after hearing the audio ad spot. 

Reach Younger Audiences: The median streaming audio listener is 34 years old and 12 years younger than the median terrestrial radio listener. Listeners 18-34 listen to twice as much streaming audio content each week than other age groups!

Programmatic Audio Audience Targeting

Get highly specific with your audiences by utilizing the targeting capabilities you’re used to getting with digital advertising platforms like Connected TV, Google, Facebook, and YouTube. Focus on key demographics, interests and intent, custom segments, and retargeting.


  • CRM and List Data: Use your own customer data to create lookalike audiences or target repeat customers
  • Retargeting: Target previous website visitors 
  • Custom Audience Segments: Create custom audience segments from previous content consumption 
  • Lookalike Audiences: Target website visitors with a tracking pixel, then target individuals exhibiting similar behavior


  • Intent and Interest Audiences: Use segments from 3rd-party data partners 
  • Geo Radius Targeting: Target and/or retarget users that pass through specific locations 
  • B2B Targeting: Target people at a specific place of business 

Measuring Success

Track the impact of your audio ad placement in real-time using metrics like:

  • Cost per completed listen
  • Audio starts: How many times the audio ad was initiated
  • Audio completion
  • Audio completion rate
  • Quartile audio completions: The number of audio plays for the selected audio assets that reached the state of either 25%, 50%, or 75% of completion

Go beyond how often audio is played and how often audio is complete by tracking:

  • How many users have received an impression of your ad
  • How many users have received your ad and performed an action like visiting the website, calls, chats, or filling out a form.

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Getting Started

Adpearance is well-versed in programmatic audio advertising and committed to being your best partner. Reach out for a free digital analysis to learn how programmatic audio ads can support sales and drive better results for your business. Contact our team of digital strategists to learn more.

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About the Author

Jason Rosen

Jason oversees Google program adoption and beta testing of new strategies. He's been testing the Google Dealer Playbook strategies for hundreds of dealers and brings informed real-world experience to any conversation.

Adpearance is the digital marketing company obsessed with generating quality leads. Our solutions combine cutting-edge technology, premium tracking, and an expert team to transform business results.

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