How to Use Digital Advertising to Buy More Used Inventory - Adpearance

How to Use Digital Advertising to Buy More Used Inventory

High consumer demand for cars plus manufacturer supply chain issues has created low inventory levels for dealerships. While it is hard to control what inventory you receive from your OEM, there are a number of ways your dealership can use digital advertising to source more used inventory. 

Using some of the same tools like paid search, display advertising, and remarketing that you use to sell inventory, you can reach interested sellers and individuals who might not yet know that their car is in demand. More than just letting potential sellers know that your dealership is buying cars, with the right messaging you can make it clear why now is the best time to head to your dealership.

Show sellers how easy it is

Advertising on car buying-related keywords is a start, but it isn’t enough. Searches around ‘how to sell a car’ are at an all-time high, but potential sellers need clear messaging to overcome classic misconceptions about selling their car to a dealership. Create a landing page and supporting ad campaigns that promote the ease of selling to your dealership. Clarify that you’re looking to buy used inventory as well as trade-ins, and provide as much relevant information about the process as possible to counter preconceived notions that they could make more from a private buyer.

Advertise your best offer

Many potential sellers aren’t aware of low inventory issues and that now is a great time to sell. To catch the attention of these customers, optimize your ad copy to speak to what makes your dealership the best place to sell to. Is it your unique trade-up program or an offer to pay $1,000 more than Kelly Blue Book value? Put your best foot forward with potential sellers by updating your paid search campaigns to let them know exactly what incentives your dealership is offering.

Target the people who are already looking to sell to you

Create low-funnel leads by advertising to potential sellers where they are already seeking information online. Focus paid search campaigns tailored for users who are searching for terms like “sell my car” or “how to sell my car.”

It’s standard practice to use dynamic remarketing to advertise to the people who have browsed VDPs on your website. Are you also advertising to potential sellers who are looking at the trade-in page on your dealership’s site? Now is the timedon’t miss out on buying from the people who are already looking to sell. 

With user-level tracking from Foureyes, you can take it a step further and see the leads who have visited the trade-in section of your website. Use this information for remarketing or use it as a call list to directly see if any of them are interested in selling you their vehicle.

Are you ready to expand your used car inventory? 

At Adpearance, we’re committed to improving the customer experience while also thinking about your bottom line. During times of low inventory and high demand, there are a variety of ways you can adjust your paid search strategy and reach potential buyers and sellers with digital advertising. Reach out to learn more and see how your advertising efforts stack up in today’s market with a free digital analysis.

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About the Author

Ben Neal

Ben drives success for auto dealers as the senior digital advertising specialist. He stays on the cutting edge of GoogleAds so to ensure that buyers can find you at the right moment and immediately convert.

Adpearance is the digital marketing company obsessed with generating quality leads. Our solutions combine cutting-edge technology, premium tracking, and an expert team to transform business results.

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